Feb 2Liked by Myles Snider

Love this. As a musician and cook, I feel the same way. There's totally a balance. Technicality and science is great knowledge to have, but at the end of the day, a more moving result always comes from intuition.

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What is the name of the music theory podcast?!

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Likewise, I'm curious!

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Here's the link!

I discovered this because I was originally using his language learning method, which is really effective. Highly recommend both!


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Awesome stuff, Myles! I'm working my way through Wendall Berry's new book, "The Need to Be Whole," and he writes extensively on how farming, true farming, farming in which the farmer is connected to the land, to it's nuances and needs, can't be reduced to a science -- as much as the USDA would like you to believe. It's an art. A well-tended field is a "pretty" field and there's a beauty to it that is more than just a mathematical calculation of yield per acre.

Aldo Leopold writes on this theme as well: the land being an "instrument for self-expression, on which each can play music of his own choosing."

We do a disservice to anything we participate in -- music, cooking, farmer, writing, whatever -- when we practice and judge it solely on its technical merits, and not the creative spark that, if you look closely, it will generate.

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Great article, Myles. Should I download CIRCLE? GAR told me about your great experience with them

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